Thelma's Travels

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today, Wednesday, we had an easy day. Sleep-ins and then off to the Super-market to do a bit of shopping. Yesterday we had a good day. We caught the SkyTrain and went for a decent ride into the city where we walked, what seemed miles to me, and got onto the SeaBus and went across the Harbour to have a look at the Market and have lunch. A lovely day, but it tired us all out. Think it was the sea air!
This train does not have a driver, it is all computerised.

These trains,below, are lined up for the peak hour rush. Ready to take people on a longer journey out of Vancouver. Graham told me that each carriage holds about 100 people, so you can see a lot of people use the trains over here.

This is the interior of the SeaBus. It also holds a large amount of people. And everyone has to be seated. No Standing! It leaves Vancouver and goes across the Harbour to North Vancouver and is a very pleasent way of travelling. As you can see, bikes are allowed.
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  • At 7:12 pm, Blogger jennym said…

    Just the thought of the seabus makes me feel sick Thelly......The interior looks a bit like the big boat which goes across Cook Strait in NZ .....


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