Thelma's Travels

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vancouver's night of terror !

Thought this was rather neat aross the elevator doors in the Headquarters of the Police Building.

This is Sergeant Fred who took Jackie and I out for our night of "terror" in this Police Car

The word had gone out ofcourse that The Aussie was riding along and all the Criminals immediately went to their beds and stayed there trembling with with fear. One silly young fool dared to drive his Father's car without Insurance, but we soon stopped that with a flash of blue and red light !! The tow truck was called (No driving around here without Car Insurance!) the car was towed away and a taxi was called to make sure the passengers went home safely. Then it was back on the road again where absolutely nothing was happening !! A couple of "Working Girls" got a fright when Fred pulled over to make sure they were ok and then they were really scared when they thought I was going to take over their corner. But ofcourse it was to cold out there for me to be able to stand around in the cold waiting for the suckers to come along. Besides, there was a rowdy tenent with the music to loud at 2am to be dealt with . So off we sped to quieten them down !Fred was very careful with this one. He first sussed the place out and made sure there were no "Funny Smells" around, we didn't want to go barging into a Drug Den. But it was just people being thoughtless of the neighbors and playing their music to loudly.
Fred told them politely to "Shuddup", which they did.
Oh well it must be time for a Hot Chocolate to warm us up.I was really the only one who was cold !! As you can see by the photo below, I have about 4 layers of clothes on and Fred is in a short sleeved shirt !! I feel such a fool at times when everyone is warm but me !
It was a good night though and I enjoyed the experience and was tired by the time we were dropped off at about 3,30am. Thanks Fred and Jackie for all your kindness and for the chance to see how quiet it can be in a big city when all the Crims. are terrified of an old girl from Australia. I won't forget the night we prowled around the laneways looking for that elusive white car.!!
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  • At 3:47 pm, Blogger jennym said…

    What a fabulous experience Thelly...Good job you were in the capable hands of Fred..I knew it would be too cold for you to stand on the corner so the girls were pretty safe eh!!!
    Did you get donuts with your hot drink?If TV shows are anything to go by, the cops spend a good deal of their time eating them ! Haha

  • At 7:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome blog!

    Thanks for coming out - sorry about the no-show on the racoons....until 30 seconds after you went home!


  • At 7:49 am, Blogger Thelly said…

    Yes, I felt pretty safe Jen., and I think the Working girls did too !!
    You watch to many American TV shows Jen., it's the Yanks who have the Donuts.

  • At 11:06 am, Blogger jennym said…

    Oh, silly me ! I'll remember that now ... Yes, i do get carried away on a dream sometimes Thelly ! Nice to see Sergeant Fred has kept in touch!

  • At 12:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lucky they didn't experience a wild storm while you were out! You were lucky to have the experience but it was a bit after bed time by the time you got home, wasn't it?

    xxxx Judy

  • At 1:05 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    Nice feeling of 'power' in a police car isn't it? Closest thing to playing God!! - Not that I was like that!


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